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A Project of Industrial Greenhouse Gases Regulatory Policy and Voluntary Reduction Scheme

While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represents the accumulation of work ranging from the continual policy development of domestic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounting, registration, validation, verification and reductions for industries. Thus far, the project has successfully delivered the following outcomes: (1) The implementations of Taiwan’s voluntary GHG emission reporting scheme: The project has conducted research on international GHG reporting schemes and their supporting measures. The Project has created a guidebook based on the research as references for national industries. It has also statistically reported on the emitters’ reporting progress as well as authorities’ inspection activities, and carried out parallel comparisons of four verification agencies. (2) The establishment of Taiwan’s national industrial GHGs control policies based on the Air Pollution Control Act: Based on article 19 and 22 in the Air Pollution Prevention Act, the Project has created three legislative drafts, including the “GHG Emission Reduction and Management from Stationary Sources”, “GHG Emission Reduction Credit Account Management for Stationary Sources”, and “Emission Standards for New Electric Generating Units”. (3) The Project has conducted review work for the reduction program and methodologies, approved the reviews for 60 reductions programs and methodologies, held 25 committee initial review meetings on the reductions program, and 2 expert review meetings on the early action offset program. (4) This year, the Project has completed 20 verification actions, which included 7 reductions credit verifications, 2 review meetings on credit retirements, and 11 registrations for reduction credit accounts. In addition, the Project has provided periodic credit reduction reports and supply-and-demand analysis on domestic reduction credits in order to strengthen the monitoring process. (5) In accordance with the reductions project and methodology verifications, the Project has continued to coordinate and promote the expansion of the national GHG registry. All actions have been modified based on the legislative and administrative decisions to ensure the database management has been upgraded and the security of the GHG Registry has been strengthened.
Greenhouse Gases, Voluntary Reduction Scheme, Emissions Standard